Friday, September 19, 2008

29 Reasons Why I Love My Wife

in no particular order...
  1. she's hot (I seriously could end here)
  2. she can sing (you need to hear her)
  3. she makes beautiful babies (have you seen our children?)
  4. she's a great mother (to 4 kids!)
  5. she's a good cook (creamy baked chicken, baby!)
  6. she lets me make her laugh (maybe she's just laughing at me)
  7. she's desperately in love with Jesus (I'm not jealous)
  8. she washes my clothes and cooks my meals (this is a good thing, people)
  9. she rearranges our house at least once month (change is good)
  10. she's not the neatest painter (seriously, check her clothes and look at the ceiling)
  11. she loves to decorate (seriously) (and she's good at it)
  12. she sings a lot around the house (see #2)
  13. she shows me things only I get to see (and I like what I see)
  14. let's just call this one an elaboration of #13 (4 kids, natch)
  15. she prays for me (Lord knows I need it)
  16. she prays with me (important to stand in agreement)
  17. she prays with our children (see #4)
  18. she likes to watch movies with me (so what if I like "Pride and Prejudice"?)
  19. she blogs a lot (check it out here)
  20. she talks a lot (this can be a good thing)
  21. she likes to make music with me (have you heard some of our songs?)
  22. she had the words, "pastor's wife" spoken over her in high school (we were just given the pastoral nod this past weekend) (more on that later)
  23. she bought me at my fraternity's date auction (I'll let her tell you what I cost) (she got a good deal)
  24. she loves my family (and they love her)
  25. she likes to buy things (but only when we have money) (which isn't very often)
  26. she likes to buy me things (not as much as I'd like for her to, though)
  27. she likes to look pretty for me (I did a "top 5" today on my show - #2 was "women are infinitely more concerned about what they wear then men are; in fact, if you met us at the door naked, you wouldn't hear a complaint from us)
  28. she's my Bridy Girl (and my sunsushine)
  29. she loves me (I couldn't ask for anything more)

When she turns 30 next year, I'll add another one. I love you, Bridy Girl!


  • Anonymous

    You sneaky little rascal you! Satan did not like what you were doing while dinner was cooking because he was whispering all sorts of lies in my ears.

    I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you!

    Thank you for loving me!

    Your Bridy Girl

  • Anonymous

    Ya'll are gross!!!

    luv u both!