Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A Family Poem

I have a little, 3 bedroom house
With a dog, a girl, 3 boys and a spouse.
We keep the dog outside
Where she likes to bark at all she can find.
But the dog is lame when it comes to sound
When compared with others that are around.
The girl likes to scream and giggle;
Oh, the sight when she starts to wriggle!
Music can really make her go,
And when she dances, she puts on a show!
The boys are older and far more advanced,
But still get grins when they start to dance.
And, oh, the symphony of noise
That comes from a girl and 3 boys!
It's quite a sound you can't ignore,
Even when you close the door.
But when it comes time for bed,
And I get to kiss each little head,
The joy of my family
Resounds throughout eternity!
At last, a word about my spouse:
She is the sweetest sound in all the house!


  • Anonymous

    Ok. if it were me I would be in BIG TROUBLE if my wife only got two lines out of a 22 line poem. But then again, I would only be in trouble if someone told her about my blog because she's not into the whole blogging thing. The chances of her reading it are slim. But, just now remembering my blog posts are sent to her e-mail, so she might actually read it and we're back to square one...BIG TROUBLE!

    Good thing my comments on other peoples blogs aren't sent to her e-mail!

  • Anonymous


    How could I be upset when he said something so sweet?


  • Anonymous


    I was in no way advocating any upset-ness on your part, only stating...he could probably write a few more lines about his "sweetest sound in the house" wife. I think I'll stop there because I get the sense of being knee deep in a hole that will only get deeper. ; )
