Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Wake Up Call

This morning, I checked up on some blogs that finally posted after a few days absence. I also checked out Tall Skinny Kiwi's blog on the "10 Commandments of Blogging." I then read his previous post, and was suddenly awakened to a side of the world I usually choose to ignore. It's not pretty.

The IDOP (International Day of Prayer) is coming up November 16. While our nation needs prayer, so do these guys. Check out the web site OpenDoors.
"You cannot pray for revival for one half of the body of Christ while forgetting
the other half which is suffering under restrictions." - Brother Andrew
I don't know who Brother Andrew is, but he is so right. Our praise team worked on a new/old song last night. It talks about hearing God speak and "oh, this changes everything." Yes it does.

Soli Deo Gloria